Legal Notice
Legal Notice
1 - Contact details
Customer Service Emmanuelle Zysman 33 rue de Grenelle - 75007 Paris - France Customer Service telephone number: +33-1 42 22 05 57
Emmanuelle Zysman™ is a brand of:
Tigres d’Or sarl
The head office :
81 rue des Martyrs
75018 Paris
Such. +33 (1) 42 52 01 00
E-mail :
siret 45272588000010
VAT FR 45452725880
Share Capital: €1000
2 - Partners and service providers
Platform: Shopify
Hosting: OVH
Transport: Colissimo
Production: TooDooCreation
3 - Online payment
SP plus® and SystemPay® are Caisse d’Epargne d’Ile de France services.
CNIL declaration: 9X$0375958Y
4/ Jurisdiction
In the event of a dispute or dispute, only the Paris Court will have jurisdiction, also in the event of multiple defendants or warranty claims.